Friday, January 8, 2010

Semester in review... What Did I Think Of It?

Free time? Games? YouTube videos? No Structure? These are just some of the things that this semester consisted of. Not saying that it was a bad semester. For people who actually did their work consistently throughout the course and didn't rely on their fellow group members to do the wiki work for them, I would have to say that it was actually a fairly good course. It took a lot of self discipline, planning out of weekends and week nights, and organization to make it through this course with no hair falling out of my head and steam coming out of my ears. I actually liked this course for the one main reason of that I read novels that I most likely would never have picked off of the library shelf and read all the way through. Some may of complained every day but those people are just the ones who did not plan well and didn't use the piles of in class work periods that were given to us. Even though it was impossible to read in the classroom because of YouTube videos and other people having room filling group conversations I still managed to make my way though.

If it were up to me to make some changes in this course I would mainly want to change the fact that we needed more mac books. Seeing as a class of 30 bodies (not all responsive 100% of the time) with over 30 different books being read and wiki profiles to be updated it was nearly impossible to get a good amount of work completed in the time given, while trying to share a mac book. But I don't blame you (Farmer) for this because what can an English teacher do about the amount of mac books provided by the school? Nothing. There is one thing though that I would change about this course and it would be the amount of structure in it. I'm not English teacher but I feel as though teenagers who are given a computer for over an hour seem to not always do the work that is asked of them to do.

As I'm thinking of it right now I am actually beginning to realize that you (Mr. Farmer) were right and I have learned a lot more then I would if we were lectured for 75 minutes each day about how Hamlet was a tragic hero and how he actually was not a person trapped in the art of procrastination. I learned many life skills which you do not expect to learn from English class, such as time management, and organization. These though are the type of skills that I personally will need in my future career. For English skills, I have become fairly good at classifying poetry and finding the different rhythmic and rhyme schemes in several different poems. I have also realized many differences in female writing styles over males. Females tend to use a lot more pronouns such I, Me, He, and She. While males use a lot more nouns.

This might be my last English class ever but I have got to say it for sure was one that I will remember for a life time.

1 comment:

  1. I really appreciate the comments. You approach this wit a mature mind, but you also approached the course the same way.
